321-444-6297 contact@eatonvillehousing.com 1061 Maitland Center Commons Blvd, Suite #201C, Maitland Fl, 32751

Emergency Housing Vouchers


What are Emergency Housing Vouchers?

The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program is available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Through EHV, HUD is providing 70,000 housing choice vouchers to local Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to assist individuals and families who are:

  • Homeless
  • At risk of homelessness
  • Fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking
  • Were recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability

Who is eligible to receive an Emergency Housing Voucher?

EHVs are to assist individuals and families 1) who are experiencing homelessness; 2) at risk of experiencing homelessness; 3) fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; or 4) were recently homeless and for whom providing rental assistance will prevent the family’s homelessness or having high risk of housing instability.

How can I apply for an Emergency Housing Voucher?

Applications are not available through Eatonville Housing and the Housing Choice Voucher Program waiting list is not open.

The availability of these vouchers is managed through a direct referral process.  HUD is requiring referrals through the community’s coordinated entry system with priority given to those who are experiencing homelessness or at-risk of experiencing homelessness.

EH has partnered with the Eatonville Continuum of Care (CoC) for referrals to the Emergency Voucher Program.  EH and the CoC have committed to administering the housing vouchers in accordance with program requirements identified by HUD.